Dwell supports neighbour objection to inappropriate planning proposal

Posted By Jon Sewell-Rutter

Jan 17th, 2019

Dwell’s recent planning objection helps prevent inappropriate residential development in Balcombe, West Sussex.

Appointed by neighbouring residents to represent their interests, Dwell prepared and submitted a written representation to the Local Authority on their behalf, detailing pertinent issues which, in Dwell’s opinion, were contrary to MSDC’s planning policy, and which if implemented would be harmful to the locality.

Using its detailed knowledge of the planning system, and current policy, the practice identified issues with the proposal and application materials which included failing to show the neighbouring buildings accurately, which is key for case officer’s to be able to accurately assess potential impact of development.

Streetscene elevation drawing prepared for planning objection

The proposal, which was to replace a dilapidated bungalow with a large two-storey ‘cottage-style’ house, included new windows at first floor level which would directly overlook the immediate neighbour’s garden, and allow close-range views directly into their home, having a considerable and detrimental impact on their privacy, which policy exists to protect.  To support the objection, Dwell’s team drew a streetscene elevation drawing, using accurate topographic site survey information prepared in-house, together with the application drawings to illustrate how the proposed tall two-storey dwellinghouse would dwarf both the bungalow it was to replace and the existing neighbouring low-rise buildings. 

Dwell’s representation, with that of other neighbours and the Parish Council, led the applicant to withdraw the proposal after the concerns were formalised by the Local Authority planning case officer, and she advised that she would be unable to support the application.